Building a Cabinet

Sir, – If we are really looking for an acceptable solution to counties with no Minister, can we simply combine the afflicted counties into a single super-county called Cork?

This would solve many issues. First, we would eliminate those who would control us from up in Dublin. Second, we could bury the hatchet of ancient sporting rivalries. Finally, and most importantly, everyone might realise how trivial this outrage really is. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 5.


Sir, – I believe the Taoiseach has made an error of judgment regarding Dara Calleary. I think he has scored a shocking own-goal, and him from a hurling county. Indeed he may have just annointed his successor as leader of the Fianna Fáil party. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – I would suggest that Wicklow has punched well above its weight with two Cabinet Ministers.

The overall town winner is surely Greystones (home to both Ministers), and with constituency offices across the road from each other in Bray, the latter town is not forgotten! – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Two headlines have inevitably dominated early coverage of our new government – the absence of a senior Minister from Connacht, and the end of Civil War political divisions. I would suggest that if this Government demonstrably provides for the west of the country as well (or equally badly) as it does for south and east, it will achieve something just as worthy of headlines, and more desirable – the end of parish-pump politics. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.

A chara, – It would appear that the Taoiseach has opted to prioritise ability over geography or party loyalty in selecting his new Cabinet.

Given the unbelievable petulance on display from some senior politicians, whose political priorities seem limited to their own perceived rank and station, it seems Micheál Martin has been somewhat vindicated in his choice. – Is mise,


Dublin 2.

Sir, – The Greens and Fine Gael both have their deputy leaders at Cabinet with full voting rights and full ministries. Dara Calleary has lost out and so has rural Ireland.

Given that rural affairs have also been lumped in with the substantial portfolio that is social protection, it looks like rural Ireland is to be forgotten under Micheál Martin’s stewardship of the country.

That is ultimately an acute betrayal of all rural-based Fianna Fáil members and electorate. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 17.

Sir, – All this parochialism and talk of lack of representation for the west of Ireland at Cabinet ignores the fact that Ministers are selected on ability to run their departments for the good of the entire nation.

Local areas have county councils to oversee their own affairs. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.

A chara, – Mr Seán Ó Cuinn (Letters, June 30th) requests there be a “constitutional requirement . . . to ensure every part of our nation is properly represented in Dáil Éireann”.

I am happy to inform him that a constitutional requirement that every 20,000 to 30,000 citizens must be represented by a TD already exists. – Is mise,



Co Dublin.