Climate change and Irish democracy

A chara, – Stephen Collins makes a good point that "Climate emergency encapsulates what is wrong with Irish politics" (Opinion, May 16th).

But looking deeper, it also encapsulates all that is coming right with Irish democracy.

The politicians did not declare the emergency. The community did, specifically the young people, their families, elders and scientists.

"If we were coal-miners, we would be up to our knees in dead canaries now," declared our first citizen in February. "The emperor has no clothes," declared 15,000 young people in March. "Climate and biodiversity emergency," declared Co Wicklow in April. "Oh, okay so", agreed our absentee parliamentarians in May.


On May 24th (the date of the next school strike), the community will declare the end of fracking and fracked products across the island of Ireland.

Politicians are welcome again to join and stand with their community, otherwise they should explain where they stand (in words that our children can understand, please). – Is mise,


Dad and community


Delgany, Co Wicklow.