Courtesy and public transport

Sir, – I read Lauren Burke's letter (August 23rd) and felt sad for her plight and the discomfort of squishing in with the other sardines. It sounds like a difficult commute, and the lack of courtesy is understandably frustrating and annoying.

My own experience is not quite the same. I am not pregnant, but am a woman in my late fifties. I regularly get offered a seat on the Luas if one isn’t free and always gratefully accept. I hope that the suited workers of Sandymount will read this and give up their aul seats, as the people of Drimnagh already do. – Yours, etc,


Drimnagh, Dublin 12.


Sir, – I am no spring chicken, as would be immediately to anyone looking at me. On Thursday last I travelled by bus from Heuston Station to Booterstown Avenue in Dublin. Approaching my stop, I struggled with my suitcase through a line of people all much younger than I am, and with some difficulty lifted my case on to the pavement. All right, no big deal. I managed. However, as I walked away I reflected that if just one person had reached out a helping hand, I would have left the bus cheered by human kindness instead of feeling a little saddened by the total indifference of my fellow passengers to my struggle. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.