‘Cynicism, hypocrisy and lies’

Sir, – One wonders if the Russian ambassador Yuriy Filatov sees the colossal irony in the fact that his recent letter to The Irish Times containing brazen and totally false Russian propaganda was published at all ("Cynicism, hypocrisy and lies", Letters, April 2nd).

This despite the fact that he berated The Irish Times and accuses it of prejudice and bias.

This is the same gentleman who repeatedly misled the Irish people on national radio and television about the impending invasion of the Ukraine and the slaughter of its civilians.

Does Mr Filatov take us all for fools?


Does he expect us all to believe that the thousands of Ukrainian refugees arriving daily in Ireland have in fact been bombed out of their homes, hospitals and schools by their fellow citizens?

The Irish Times and the Irish public have eyes to see on a daily basis the wanton murder of Ukrainian civilians and the destruction of their cities across the entire country.

However, he states that only Ukraine is waging war while Russia is conducting a “military operation”. Surely this is cynicism at its worst.

Why have many journalists been expelled from Russia if not to keep its people in the dark about the atrocities being carried out in their name?

I would suggest to Mr Filatov that while he luxuriates in the tranquillity of Orwell Road, where peaceful protest is perfectly legal, he might consider the fate that awaits his fellow citizens who stray from the bloodied hymn sheet of Putin and his murderous lackeys.

Thankfully, in publishing Mr Filatov’s letter, The Irish Times has exposed the twisted logic of this evil autocracy’s spokesmen and shown the Irish people where the real hypocrisy lies. Please go home, Mr Ambassador! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

Sir, – It is a bitter irony that the outrageous words from Yuriy Filatov were published on this letter page on the same day that images and stories of blatant war crimes, including execution-style killings of civilians and of rape by Russian solders, were reported from the Ukrainian town of Bucha.

The reasons for its publication are understandable, lest there was any remaining doubt over the outrageousness of the various “justifications” Russian officials have given for this appalling war.

However, I think this should be the last time we should have to hear or read from this ambassador in any public forum in this country. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 14.

Sir, – Ambassador Filatov is in the most fortunate position of being emissary to a country whose media allows him freely express his views on his government’s invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, no matter how historically selective and distorted these may be.

If his own government were to accord those holding views different to the official narrative a similar freedom of expression, rather than threatening them with imprisonment of up to 15 years, then perhaps less Russian and Ukrainian blood would be spilt.

Although, as it is not the blood of Russian government members that is being split, I don’t expect this to happen anytime soon.– Yours, etc,




Dublin 13.

Sir, – I read the letter you published written by the Russian ambassador (April 2nd). It would appear you published it a day too late. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.