Dublin City Council and the flag of Palestine

Sir, – Having travelled recently in Palestine, and seen the atrocious conditions under which Palestinians live (water shortages, second-class roads, constant delays at checkpoints, separate hospitals, aggression by young Israeli soldiers, etc), I welcome the recent decision of Dublin City Council to fly the Palestinian flag over City Hall.

These gestures may seem merely symbolic, but having lived with a Palestinian family for some of my time there, I can tell you they are very aware of Irish solidarity and support, and welcome it.

Well done to John Lyons, and the councillors of many parties who withstood immense pressure to pass this resolution. – Yours, etc,



Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Sir, – Referring to the decision of Dublin City Council to fly the flag of Palestine over Dublin City Hall for one month to show support for the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation, will the Dublin City Council do the same for other occupied stateless peoples, such as the Kurds, the largest stateless nation?

I am unaware of any precedent for flying a national flag besides our own from Dublin City Hall. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.