‘England Get Out of Ireland’ banner

Sir, – Ending England’s rule in Ireland (often shortened to “England Get Out of Ireland”) is a perfectly legitimate expression of historic Irish-American wishes for Ireland.

Not only that, but using “England” as distinct from Britain makes the point that Wales and Scotland can hardly be blamed for the mistreatment and later in 1920 for the partition of Ireland. Furthermore, there is no way the unionists can claim that such a formulation implies they should get out of Ireland – no more than pro-UK people would have to leave Scotland when Scotland opts for independence.

So why is there such faux shock that Mary Lou McDonald is seen marching with the “England Get Out of Ireland” banner in the New York St Patrick’s Parade?. The only real story would be if Mary Lou had refused to march with that banner. After all, Jimmy Carter in 1976 – seven months before he was elected president – famously marched in the New York St Patrick’s Day Parade wearing a badge with the message “England Get Out of Ireland.” And Mary Lou, the president of Sinn Féin, is not supposed to show such sensibility and solidarity? Are you kidding me! – Yours, etc,




Irish National Caucus,

Washington, DC.

A chara, – The difference between a negative anti-English poster “England get out of Ireland” and a positive attitude to the removal of partition is the difference between hate and healing. – Is mise,



Co Dublin.