Eurovision performance

Madam, - Am I the only heterosexual person on this island who recognises that since the end of the Communist bloc and the re…

Madam, - Am I the only heterosexual person on this island who recognises that since the end of the Communist bloc and the re-emergence of Central and East European countries, the Eurovision Song Contest is better than ever. The competition is more of a spectacle, takes itself less seriously, is camper and far more fun than it ever was. - Yours, etc,

GREGORY J DUNN, Manor Place, Stoneybatter, Dublin.

Madam, - There they go again, the armchair critics - don't they love to slate their own? John Waters at least got off his bottom and tried. Better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all.

Just as well he didn't win. Otherwise that other crowd, the begrudgers, would have been out to have a go. - Yours, etc,


PHILIP TOBIN, Whitecliffe, Rathfarnham, Dublin.