Gordon Elliott controversy

Sir, – I have been struck by the opprobrium cascading down upon Gordon Elliott this past week. For an ill-considered photo taken two years ago. Since then he has continued to train many winning horses and provide employment for 80 people, without blemish. Now his ruin seems to be the price some people want to extract for his fleeting lapse in judgment.

In her opinion column "Wokeness and cancel culture on the way out" (March 4th), Finn McRedmond wrote, "The acknowledgement that people can make mistakes but it needn't ruin their lives seems to have gained traction. Forgiveness has emerged as a possibility."

There’s not much sign of it in Mr Elliott’s case. – Yours, etc,





Co Galway.

Sir, – Gordon Elliot apologised and that’s the end of that.

I suggest you type “horse left for dead” into your search engine. I wonder why all major media groups in Ireland don’t report on those cases instead of making a mountain out of a molehill with Gordon Elliot.

Ask any country vet, visit any local authority website or horse charity website and you’ll see who they are and what they are doing to horses on a daily basis, completely unreported. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.