Inquiry into the pandemic

Sir, – Fintan O'Toole is correct in calling for an early inquiry into the handling of the pandemic by the authorities ("Democracies learn from mistakes. We need an honest inquiry into the pandemic", Opinion & Analysis, June 1st).

I would suggest that it would include investigation of the approach of the Opposition and media to the crisis.

Regarding his reference to the length of time that elapsed before production of the Oireachtas inquiry into the banking calamity, I would like to remind readers that the Nyberg Report on that crisis was published much earlier in March 2011. As I was part of that investigation, I can confirm that it came in on time and within budget (€1.5 million).

We might usefully remind ourselves that the banking crisis was also a worldwide issue. Not just Irish. – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.

Sir, – Fintan O’Toole calls for an inquiry into the Irish response to Covid-19, despite knowing that the errors made were “the honest mistakes of people trying to do their best under awful pressure”.

Such an inquiry would find that the HSE was unprepared, the Government was slow to react, vaccine rollout was initially slow but eventually a success.

Everyone will agree that lessons must be learned.

Do we really need an inquiry, however well-intentioned? – Yours, etc,


Gaoth Dobhair,

Co Dhún na nGall.