Key fobs and car boots

Sir, – Although I have not witnessed inadvertent car boot openings via electronic key fobs, as has your recent letters page correspondent Renaat Verbruggen (February 11th), a similar thought had occurred to me as a fairly recent purchaser of a small Japanese car, ie accidentally unlocking one's car when stowing the electronic key fob in one's pocket.

To this day I am surprised that the car manufacturers have not implemented a common practice in industry to prevent the accidental starting of machinery, ie a requirement to press the start button (say) three times in quick succession.

I am not sure that this is the obvious solution as mentioned by your correspondent, but it might provide food for thought regarding this problem. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.

Sir, – Perhaps Paul Delaney's response (February 12th) to Renaat Verbruggen might be more appropriately termed "Floor sprung door technique". It may be another German car manufacturer that Mr Verbruggen left unnamed. On the basis of natural justice, perhaps he should have applied the principle of "Audi alteram partem". – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.