Leaving Certificate and the CAO

Sir, – A very critical aspect missing from the discussion about whether the Leaving Cert should be held in its traditional format or not is what happens next?

I fear the Government is unwilling to acknowledge the confluence of circumstances facing this year’s students.

As of January 20th (the CAO reduced-fee deadline), 66,457 students have completed applications. An increase of 5,070 on the same milestone last year. The number of applications at this deadline traditionally equates to between 80 to 85 per cent of the total number of applications the CAO receives each year, indicating that numbers in 2021 could top 80,000, an increase of approximately 10 per cent year on year. We will see if this is borne out in the coming days.

The Government must consider several factors that the Leaving Certificate 2021 class is contending with, alongside the stress of sitting the most challenging of exams in the shadow of Covid-19.


The 2,400 students who sat the deferred Leaving Cert in 2020 will also be applying for college places.

As a consequence of Brexit, the UK as a college destination for Irish and other EU students is a much less attractive and a more expensive option than it has been previously, potentially leading to additional applications here. These factors, along with other considerations, such as a college’s ability to accommodate another increase in first-year numbers on top of the group of extra students from last year, will make the points race this year something akin to the Hunger Games.

As the Government discusses options on whether to hold or not hold State exams, it must consider what happens next for these students. For example, will there be a special stream within the CAO process to ensure Leaving 2021 students are not unduly penalised in the point race?

It is upsetting to see the disregard shown towards the emotional burden they are currently carrying.

How dismissive of them as members of this society it is to continually deliver the mantra of exams as normal, which we currently hear from the Minister. As if that alone will address all the issues around this year’s Leaving Certificate. – Yours, etc,


Renmore, Galway.