Leo Varadkar – time for a focus on policy

Sir, – When reading Noel Whelan's enthusiasm for what he terms the likely "fresh, energetic, structured and dramatic" leadership of Leo Varadkar, it is hard not to notice that the only facts he offers in support of this view are Mr Varadkar's youth and personal political skills (Opinion & Analysis, June 10th). As for the tenuous Macron and Trudeau comparison, is it not at least worth mentioning that they both assumed their positions as the result of creating and rebuilding political parties and then winning national elections?

Now that the coronation is nearly over, perhaps public debate would be better served by moving beyond symbolism to consider substance? While it appears that his very modest record as a Minister is to be ignored by some, could we at least ask for our pundits to now focus on policy rather than the continued breathless exultation of the personality traits they are projecting onto Mr Varadkar? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.