Long-term leases for tenants

Sir, – Is it not time there was a national discussion about long-term tenancy leases? These are commonplace throughout Europe.

They would change the property landscape in this country. Older people, living in large houses, would feel secure in downsizing to smaller houses or apartments and renting for the rest of their lives.

This would free up capital for the older generation and also free up the houses for the younger generation.

It might also change the Irish mindset about property ownership. This obsession, which is clearly visible in the current anxiety about investment funds buying large numbers of apartments, would dissipate if tenancy rights were more secure.


Tenants would feel they could invest in the property and have a feeling of security for the future.

Given the difficulty in obtaining a mortgage and the shortage of supply, it could change the dynamics of the housing market, and Irish society might see the benefits of renting rather than owning.

– Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.