NI politics and ‘cash for ash’

A chara, – I can’t wait to get my hands on that 656-page report. I need to find out how many politicians, civil servants, special advisers and consultants are needed to discover collectively that paying a grant of £1.60 for every £1.00 spent might be problematic in the long term. Were they confused between sustainable energy and sustainable economics? – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.


Sir, – Further to your analysis of the report of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme Inquiry (News, March 14th), it is worth pointing out that one of the report’s recommendations is that: “Ministers should be given training on their role in relation to policy, legislation and on the working of public expenditure and value for money”.

This comes, perhaps, as no surprise, given that Arlene Foster, as the responsible minister, did not even bother to read the legislation which established RHI.

However, it does prompt scrutiny of politicians in Northern Ireland who are appointed to the Executive as ministers, if, as it appears from the report, some are deficient in most of the basic qualifications for public office. – Yours, etc,


Terenure, Dublin 12.

Sir, – You should be grateful that the people of Britain, and more particularly England, are content to subsidise the costly toy-town antics of what passes for politics in Northern Ireland.

In what other jurisdiction would, in the report’s words, “a repeated failure to comply with the intent and provisions” of the rules regarding the appointment and conduct of special advisers, not lead to resignations? – Yours, etc,

