Nigel Farage and UK elections

Sir, – Your London editor rightly predicts that, "Boris Johnson will step up pressure on Nigel Farage's Brexit Party . . . to give the Conservatives a clear run in Labour-held marginal seats"(Denis Staunton, "British PM to pressure Farage on Labour-held marginal seats", World News, November 12th).

In addition, Arron Banks, co-founder of Leave.EU, says the Brexit Party leader has “48 hours to save Brexit” by standing his candidates down.

However, Mr Farage will almost certainly not do what his erstwhile Brexiteer colleagues, the British prime minister and Mr Banks, want from him.

Indeed, the MEP and former Ukip leader called Mr Johnson’s demand “almost comical”, and said, if the Tories “believed in leave, they would stand aside in Labour areas where the Conservative party hasn’t won in 100 years and will never win”.


Mr Farage owns 60 per cent of the Brexit Party, and describes it as a “company” rather than a political party. His determination to field significant numbers of candidates in the upcoming UK election is as much a hard-nosed commercial as political decision. – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,

Dublin 7.

Sir, – Has the Farage Brexit Party now become the Mirage Party? – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.

Sir, – I think his latest strategic electoral thrust is a masterstroke from Nigel Farage. Suck on that, Jeremy Corbyn. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.