Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party

Sir, – Ken Andrew (May 8th) tells us that Nigel Farage's Brexit Party has 85,000 members.

The Brexit Party (Limited) is not a political party as might commonly be understood; it is a private limited company registered with Companies House and incorporated in November 2018.

It has two named officers, with Mr Farage being listed as the director.

You cannot join this party, and the “membership” are in reality simply people that are registered sponsors that donate money.


For their donation, sponsors have no way to get involved in the running of the company, or to work on policy or influence direction in the same way as is possible with political parties.

Most worryingly, there is no publicly available manifesto and there are no members to be accountable to.

Mr Farage is only accountable to himself. – Yours, etc,



Newcastle upon Tyne,
