Nuclear power – a stark dilemma

Sir, – Few technologies pose as stark a dilemma as nuclear power.

It offers a source of energy that could prove vital over the coming decades. It could reduce Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels and lessen our dependence on oil-rich and gas-rich nations.

But there are environmental and strategic risks. Nuclear accidents can have a devastating environmental impact. Even when things run smoothly, the need to manage nuclear waste creates problems for present and future generations. Engineering developments have been very successful in mitigating these risks, but they cannot safeguard against all eventualities. If, for example, a nuclear power plant were to be targeted during a war, the safety measures might be overcome.

There is no easy answer. Unless we live two futures, one in which we choose to continue to develop and exploit nuclear power, and another in which we abandon it, we will never know which choice is better. But for the moment, unless wind, wave or fusion improve dramatically, it seems for the short to medium term at least, Europe must choose between more fossil fuels and less nuclear power, or less fossil fuels and more nuclear power. Pretending otherwise is to choose fossil fuels. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.