O’Connell Street is in a miserable state

Sir, – Each day as I travel to work across the city through O’Connell Street I am saddened by its miserable state.

It would seem the city authorities have abandoned this main thoroughfare of our capital city, and in particular the west side of O’Connell Street, which is dominated by fast-food outlets, souvenir shops, a casino, and two large derelict sites, one of which was the site of the Royal Dublin Hotel, closed in 2008 for development. The other adjacent derelict site is in place so long that few recall a time when it did not exist. In addition, the last remaining original residential house on the street is boarded up.

A few yards from the beautiful building that is the GPO, and all which it represents in our history, drug-dealing is a common sight.

Public drinking and taking drugs also feature on parts of the quays at different times of the day. I have never once seen any of this unacceptable behaviour challenged by the authorities. I wonder about the level of social services available to these individuals who obviously need help.


What is plain to see is that parts of the centre of Dublin are positively hostile and ugly, and those in charge of our city should hang their heads in shame. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 11.