Politicians and Catholic teaching

Sir, – Fr Brendan Hoban's assertion that the Catholic Church is now a "broad church" and that we must "live with it" is wrongheaded (Letters, December 14th).

The only time the Lord Jesus Christ referred to anything “broad” was to warn us that the path to perdition is broad and many go that way. We must enter by the narrow gate to be saved (Matthew 7:13).

It does not matter that the church is greatly reduced and that the number of faithful Catholics is very small. What is crucial is that we be faithful to God’s truth and the mission we have received from Him.

We do not concern ourselves with the world’s agreement or approval. Quite the opposite. The Lord himself asks, “When the Son of Man comes will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8).


The Word of God warns the church that “even from among your own ranks men with a travesty of the truth on their lips” will come forward to deceive. We are to be on our guard against these “ravenous wolves” (Acts 20:28-31).

Apostates and sowers of confusion abound (II John 1:7) whilst the labourers are few (Luke 10:2). We must be those servants who are alert and who keep the faith.

I, for one, am grateful to Dr Vincent Twomey, for his clear presentation and faithful defence, of authentic Catholic teaching. – Yours, etc,



Corpus Christi Parish,

Belfast 12.