Poor performance at Gate Theatre

Sir, – Your leader article on the Gate Theatre ("A radical rethink", November 20th) reflected somewhat my frustration at the Gate's lack of online presentations during lockdown.

A theatre that is in receipt of over €1 million of our money should be thoroughly ashamed of this scandalous inaction. When the Everyman in Cork, the Druid in Galway, the Dunamaise in Portlaoise and a marqee in Kilmalock can put on superb performances online for worldwide participation; when Galway International ArtsFestival could continue online with hardly a glitch, surely the Gate should have cobbled together some feeble production.

As a regular audience member of this theatre, when possible, I am so very disappointed.

I want to thank the theatres,already mentioned, for easing the desperation that beset those of us living on our own during these troubling times.


– Yours, etc,

