Pregnancy and society

Sir, – I refer to "Has lockdown reduced the number of premature babies?" (Health + Family, July 7th), in relation to some evidence pointing to the lockdown reducing the number of premature babies.

While the reduction in the number of premature babies is most welcome, the article puts the responsibility for lifestyle changes on pregnant women as opposed to the societal factors involved. Many pregnant women do not work in jobs where they can work from home, and many may feel uncomfortable asking to work from home, especially given the discrimination some pregnant women experience. There is no onus on employers or society to change what they are doing.

Women who give birth prematurely may experience guilt (which is not warranted) and I have experienced this after giving birth to a late preterm baby. That is the last thing a pregnant woman needs to feel. Maybe we can all do better by looking after pregnant women better in society. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.