Private hospital deal and due diligence

Sir, – The HSE chief executive advised the Department of Health that the private hospitals takeover deal was entered into without having "the luxury of time" needed to carry out regular due diligence ("Private hospitals takeover agreed without 'luxury' of due diligence", News, June 22nd).

The National Risk Assessment process has discussed major pandemics every year since 2014.

The most recent report, published in July 2019, declared with more than a little prescience: “When the next pandemic occurs, it will require a whole-of-government response to ensure that threats to public health and disruption of services and society are minimised.”

Considering the clarity of this message, the question arises as to what pre-emptive, business continuity type pandemic planning was performed by the HSE.


Furthermore, what irregular due diligence was conducted before entering into the €340 million takeover deal? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.