Private primary schools

Sir, – Carl O'Brien and Jenna Clarke-Molloy's article on the rise of private primary schools (Education, March 8th) states, correctly, that these schools receive no State funding and are not inspected by the Department of Education.

This might, however, lead readers to believe that our schools are entirely unregulated by the State. This is not the case. Independent schools fall under the remit of Tusla, and are in fact subject to stringent regulation, which includes our premises, policies, staff, and the standard of education we provide.

At Drumnigh Montessori Primary School, we take great pride in ensuring that we are fully compliant with regulations and view it as an integral part of a child-centred education.

As the number of schools in Ireland offering an alternative approach to education increases, it is important to make the point that diversity does not, and should not, come at the expense of protecting the children in our care, or of their education. – Yours, etc,





Board of Management

Drumnigh Montessori

Primary School,


Dublin 5.