Reasons for hope in season of goodwill

Sir, – As we approach Christmas, the news headlines continue to make for less than joyful reading. Despite this, there is a subtext to Irish culture and ethos that certainly exists, yet does not often proclaim itself in our newspapers. We are more sure-footed regarding our identity than ever before, and as a result are content to embrace our fellow Europeans without feeling threatened or resentful.

As Irish men and women, we still have that sense of family, warmth, character and integrity that so many of our fellow nations recognise and appreciate.

There is, of course, much to fix in this country; homelessness and poverty exist in unacceptable numbers and no ink on paper can or should disguise the poor reflection this is on all of us.

Thankfully, we have the power to influence and implement change in this democracy through our ability to vote, though our sphere of influence, and that power does not end there. Our real power, our most significant influence, lies in how we treat and respect one another, how we enjoy and celebrate our differences, rather than making them the cause of our angst.


We are not lacking in examples of those whose lives have been inspiring templates. Perhaps Christmas is a good time to reflect on this. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.