RTÉ and accountability

Sir, – I note that the Garda Síochána are "carrying out inquiries" into Covid regulatory aspects of the much-publicised RTÉ retirement gathering ("Gardaí examining how RTÉ retirement gathering organised", News, November 21st).

Additionally, gardaí continue to “carry out inquiries” into breaches of Covid rules at a recent Traveller funeral in Roscommon. In the aftermath of Golfgate in Clifden, we were told that gardaí were “investigating”.

But what does this all mean? We are never told of any outcome to these inquiries and investigations or the absence of one.

I would humbly suggest that when a journalist considers it of public interest to include in a news story any reference to a Garda investigation or inquiry, it should be obvious that the public will be interested in any outcome to such intervention. Some degree of follow-up on these news stories would be welcome. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.

Sir, – Séamus Dooley, the Irish Secretary of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), is quoted as saying, “What we don’t need is a protracted process of battering anyone over the head with this”. This “very serious and egregious error”, it would appear, is different, so let’s not treat RTÉ staffers and contractors like the judges and politicians who we beat over the head with Golfgate. A very balanced attitude! – Yours, etc,




Sir, – If the RTÉ gathering was an “impromptu” affair, did the lovely bouquet of flowers appear out of nowhere? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.

Sir, – The Greek philosopher Socrates maintained that the best way to illustrate a point was by creating a fictitious dialogue between two people. So here goes.

RTÉ interviewer: “Did you know that if you attended the funeral in Roscommon you would be breaking Covid guidelines?”

Respondent: “Yes, but the family of the deceased were very distressed and I wanted to support them.”’

RTÉ interviewer: “But don’t you realise that your attendance could result in more deaths and more distressed families!”

Respondent: “Ah now, breaking Covid guidelines can’t be that serious. After all, you’re still here!”



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Let there be no doubt. RTÉ provides entertainment. – Yours, etc,


Newport, Co Tipperary.

Sir, – A bit of balance, please . These are the same people who throughout this pandemic have turned up day in and day out, probably working in windowless studios, breathing recycled air and yet bringing us the news and brightening our days with light entertainment. They have done so brilliantly and deserve our thanks. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.

A chara, – A number of RTÉ’s top personalities, presenters and other staff have expressed their “deep regret” at getting caught out doing what they draw big salaries lecturing other people not to do. Thankfully they have a publicly funded national platform with which to explain themselves. It can be safely assumed this breach of Covid protocol will be fully explored and dealt with on forthcoming episodes of Prime Time, Claire Byrne and the Late Late Show, and those involved will be subjected to lengthy interrogations, calls for public penance and resignations normally reserved for the population beyond the walls of Montrose. – Is mise,


