Rural broadband

Sir, – It is now December 2018 and despite assurances from the Government, we still do not have high-speed broadband in Murrisk, Co Mayo.

My family and I spend much of our leisure time here and are continually frustrated by the lack of connectivity. We are forced to use a pre-paid service to get poorish internet coverage.

Last July on Reek Sunday, when thousands of pilgrims and tourists climbed Croagh Patrick, there was a well-organised demonstration at the foot of the mountain which highlighted the lack of broadband in the area . Did this go unnoticed?

Now that the procurement plan is back on track and we have a company involved that is committed to the National Broadband Plan, I urge the Government to get behind it and make 2019 the year the people of south Mayo can finally join the 21st century. – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.