The death of Jamal Khashoggi

Sir, – The definition of credibility involves the notions of trust and belief, although these seem to have been stretched well past breaking point with the case of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. US president Donald Trump has accepted the Saudi Arabian reports about the death, and its manner, as being “credible” and called it an “important first step”.

Given that the first reports, about two weeks ago, suggested that he had left the embassy safely, their credibility must be questioned. Their statement of a fist-fight involves a death two weeks ago that should have been immediately reported to all appropriate people, organisations and countries but this did not happen. That should have been the “important first step”.

The lesson here is that credibility is easily lost and hard to regain. Those vouching for the credibility of others must in themselves be credible.

May Jamal Khashoggi rest in peace. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – The mediaeval-style absolute monarchy in Saudi Arabia has demonstrated its total lack of respect for human life. Taken together with its ongoing routine torture, maiming and barbaric execution of its own unfortunate subjects (including beheading), its export of its extremist form of religion and funding of terrorist organisations, it is surely beyond time that the Irish Government ceased to do business with this country. Add to this the Saudi regime’s illegal military intervention in Yemen, where it continues to commit war crimes. – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.