The national children’s hospital

Sir, – The Government (and especially the Minister for Finance) could deal with the financial fallout from the new national children’s hospital fiasco by approaching Apple and seeking its agreement to release €2 billion from the fund of some €13 billion held in an escrow account pending resolution of the latter’s corporation tax liabilities, and in return offer naming rights for the hospital for a period of, say, 50 years. “The Apple National Children’s Hospital” has a nice ring to it. If sporting facilities can sell their naming rights, why not hospitals? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


A chara, – The cost of the new national children’s hospital will fade into the background if the level of child medical care provided is the best in the world.

Anything less than this and it will be too expensive. – Is mise,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – The children’s hospital is to cost more than was budgeted, and it seems the Government’s reaction is to cut other medical services, so that the overrun is paid for by those who are ill.

Would it not be more just and more humane to spread the burden throughout the community by increasing taxes? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.