Time to change tune on free music

Sir, – Far too often in Ireland, when musicians are offered a performance opportunity, it is to be in exchange for “exposure”.

Unfortunately exposure can’t pay the bills.

When it comes to money and music, there seems to be a real disconnect on valuation.

What fee is enough for us performers who have spent years training? What questions are we allowed to ask without the fear of losing a potential gig? And what are we meant to do if the payment never arrives?


Too often performers tip-toe around the topic of payment for their services. Swap the profession in question and there’d be no issue of not receiving a fee.

Do musicians not commit a large amount of money on training and instruments? How many hours were spent rehearsing over the years? Do musicians not have to eat or pay bills like anyone else?

Money can be a touchy subject.

However, just because some musicians love their job and are working in something they’re passionate about doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be paid.

What musicians do has value. They shouldn’t have to ask to be paid. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.