UCD and rent increases

Sir, – I was disappointed to read that the president of UCD said the students had reacted "emotionally" to large rent increases for UCD student accommodation (News, February 21st).

An emotional response does not take from the validity of the students’ claim that the rent increases are unreasonable, and it appears that the students have good reason to be emotional. According to your article, the rent of some UCD rental units has increased by more than 50 per cent since 2013 at a time when inflation has been negligible.

Further, the UCD president’s reported statement that “you don’t solve a housing crisis by putting caps on rents” contrasts with the position of the Government, his eventual master, which recently capped rent increases in an attempt to solve the housing crisis.

I was also surprised to read the UCD president’s reported statement that current students should be charged a rent that allows funding of future student accommodation.


Surely funding of any future accommodation block should come from the rent charged in that future block, not from today’s students?

Having first engaged in student protests myself over 50 years ago, I’m tempted to make a placard and join today’s students in their protests if they’ll accept a tired old man in their midst. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.

Sir, – The president of UCD says that students have reacted “emotionally” to news of a 12 per cent increase in on-campus rents. It’s great to see that emotional intelligence has finally made the university curriculum. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

Sir, – Prof Andrew Deeks, the president of UCD, says students have reacted “emotionally” to proposed rent increases on campus accommodation.

When parents and guardians check their bank accounts and realise the standing order has increased there is fear as to how money can be found to meet another increased bill. – Yours, etc,



Co Louth.