Varadkar’s sinning priest comments rankle

Sir, – Leo Varadkar, sadly, let himself down badly with his remarks in the Dáil on Wednesday during his altercation with Micheál Martin (“Taoiseach compares FF leader to ‘secretly sinning priest’ in Dáil row”, Home News, July 3rd). He has apologised, and his apology may be accepted, but his remarks will rankle with many, and there is the feeling that the apology is perhaps merely lip service and an attempt to extricate himself from a painful situation.

Unfortunately for him what he said will be remembered. The spoken word cannot be unsaid. – Yours, etc,


Booterstown, Co Dublin.


Sir, – In your Letters (July 5th) I noted correspondence from Luxembourg, Brussels, Athens, Sussex, British Columbia, Ottawa and from the Russian ambassador, with no mention whatever of a parish priest. If only An Taoiseach’s intellect and sagacity was as broadly based. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – I wonder if the Taoiseach’s controversial comment this week (regarding priests) was a clever diversionary tactic, as he knew the National Treasury Management Agency Report was imminent? This report reveals that our country’s debt is €200 billion and is expected to stay at that level for the foreseeable future. Hardly good news? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16