Another first for Taylor

Women's Boxing Katie Taylor yesterday became the first female boxer in the history of Government funding to receive a grant …

Women's BoxingKatie Taylor yesterday became the first female boxer in the history of Government funding to receive a grant from the Irish Sports Council when she was awarded €4,600 for development.

The 18-year-old lightweight from Bray, Co Wicklow, who boxes with the St Fergal's Club, was one of 11 Irish boxers given financial support when yesterday's list was released.

Taylor, who comes from a family of boxers and has been competing since she was a schoolgirl, is also a key member of the Irish under-19 soccer team and last season won the FAI's award as the outstanding player of the year at underage level.

Last year her dual talents probably cost her in the European Boxing Championships. The week prior to heading off for the major event, the Irish under-19 soccer team were involved in three qualifying games for their European Championships.


In addition, her soccer club, St James's Gate, had a cup semi-final, bringing her soccer commitment to four games in one week.

"She was thinking about giving up football but she's too young to make that decision, and this year we have come to an agreement with the soccer management about a schedule so something like that won't happen again," said IABA high performance director Billy Walsh.

Having last year returned from events in Italy and Norway with gold medals, and being voted best boxer at both events, the young hopeful travels to Turkey this year before competing in the European Championships.

The Irish Sports Council makes no distinction between male and female applications, although the International Olympic Committee does. Female boxing is not yet part of the Olympic Games schedule.

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times