FAI preparing for return of grassroots football after ‘green light’

When government ease restrictions sufficiently intention is to hit the ground running

A working party is said to be consulting with representatives of grassroots leagues to put together a policy document over the coming weeks. File photograph: Inpho

The FAI says it is preparing for the return of grassroots football as soon as the HSE and government ease restrictions sufficiently for competitive football to resume again around the country.

The association has been working with senior clubs on proposals in recent weeks to restart the League of Ireland behind closed doors although there is nothing like a consensus on the issue so far. Further discussions are due to be held on Friday when feedback to an FAI document on proposed protocols is expected to be provided.

A desire to get professional players working again is a particular imperative in relation to the Airtricity League but, said Niall Quinn on Thursday: "All our Leagues and clubs need to plan for a comeback date now to ensure we are all prepared to hit the ground running when football gets the green light to resume.

“We hope that date will be sooner rather than later,” he continued, “but we owe it to our clubs, players and volunteers to prepare for all eventualities around shortened seasons and even cancelled seasons if it comes to that. The Association will consider all viewpoints then draw up a guidance document around League and Cup fixtures, player registration and transfer windows and potential ends to seasons already underway.”


A working party established to progress the issue is said to be consulting with representatives of grassroots leagues and affiliates with a view to putting together a policy document over the coming weeks.