DTF Review: Book Burning

An exercise in unadorned storytelling and sparing stagecraft resists the information overload of the modern world

The Arc, part III: La Reine Claude

Tom Murphy started it; Enda Walsh wouldn’t let it go; and now Deirdre Kinahan is exploring the bad blood and intrigue of La Reine Claude

Review: Spinning

Deirdre Kinahan captures the claustrophobia of small town society and family life in a play that transcends its bleak premise

Review: Our Few and Evil Days

Nevermind Mark O’Rowe’s return to dialogue, does his family tragedy for the Abbey signal a new commitment to realism? Or is anything here as it seems?

Review: Frequency 783

What does the future hold? Brokentalkers look forward with our our hopes and aspirations


The Irish Times ePaper

Common Ground

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands


Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people