Crosswords & Puzzles
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Emma Thompson among 190 signatories of letter demanding end to abuse and inequality
Deal with US pharmaceutical company Crown likely to be worth nearly €25m
Emma Stone was named Hollywood’s best paid actress in the past 12 months
Bloomsbury is publishing four new editions of the first book, one for each Hogwarts house
It is the second-biggest movie franchise of all time, but the films are slaves to the text
Potter gave some young actors a leg-up, but it created few genuine stars. Where did the broomsticks take the ones JK Rowling called ‘The Big Seven’?
First full-length trailer for the re-imagining of the classic animation – due in cinemas in March 2017 – has been released
Teenage girls talk about role models, abortion rights and Kim Kardashian
Campaign highlights the importance of peer support for women in business
Fighting the rise of resource-heavy 'fast fashion', some companies are finding ways to make environmentally friendly clothes, while keeping covetable designs
Laura Bates has written a frank and funny book that gives girls the armour and tools they need to survive the ‘bombardment of crap’ they put up with
Teaser breaks record set by Star Wars: The Force Awakens which earned 88m views
Actor invites booklovers to join her in reading Gloria Steinem’s ‘My Life on the Road’
This decade hasn’t been so hot for the print circulation of women’s monthlies
To paraphrase our own Edmund Burke – it is time for ‘good men’ to do something
Ansel who? Elgort what? The suddenly red-hot 20 year old hearthrob from Divergent and The Fault in Our Stars talks Twitter and truthfulness
Actor gives the UN General Assembly a belting 15-minute speech on gender equality
Social media campaign to remember garment factory workers who died in Rana Plaza factory
The director of Black Swan takes on the Ark myth with admirable Old Testament fervour
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Full general election coverage including analysis and results for all 43 constituencies
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
Weddings, Births, Deaths and other family notices