Hurdles to attending papal visit

A chara, – I wish to put it on the record why my wife and I will have no option but to forgo the papal visit.

I have found the website almost impossible to access, as a reputable virus protection software and firewall considers that it is too risky.

If this hurdle is circumvented, it is clear that despite a legal requirement not to discriminate against people with disabilities and months and months in planning, the organisers (and I distinguish them from the church) have not yet made any specific provision for people with disabilities.

Its website (recently updated) states that subject to “available space and resources a limited number of supported access tickets will be available. If an applicant does not qualify for supported access, they will be entitled to a standard individual ticket”. But no thought whatsoever appears to have been given to how they might access the various venues.


It compares unfavourably with the organisation of the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes. – Is mise,


Malahide, Co Dublin.