Pandemic bonus for everyone

A chara, – Your editorial (September 30th), and related news stories, draw attention to the unholy mess that the payment of a “pandemic bonus” has descended into.

If up to a billion euro is to be spent, why not reward the population as a whole with something really memorable?

It could pay for a culture night of vastly expanded proportions, with entertainers and events from across Ireland and the world made available for free. Or free entry to all sporting events for a year. Environmental projects in every community in a massive Tidy Towns initiative; some major gestures in foreign aid.

As it stands the issue seems to be increasingly negative and divisive. Let us make it something that reflects the best of us!


– Yours, etc,


Institute of Technology


Sir, – Many people suffered and will continue to do so, since this pandemic was visited on us a year and a half ago. People lost loved ones; the pain exacerbated by the constraints imposed by the deadly virus.

We are justly proud and grateful to all those who worked and helped others throughout the worst of times.

Healthcare workers, especially those on the so-called frontline, doubtless deserve some recognition. At often great risk to themselves, they worked long hours, in full, uncomfortable PPE, to care for Covid patients and to act as conduits to those patients’ families.

The physical and emotional toll is immense but they did it because it is what these remarkable, exceptional people do. So whether better pay or working conditions is what is decided as suitable, it is well deserved.

But let us not turn this situation into an unseemly clamour from other quarters claiming their entitlement.

Let’s keep a sense of proportion. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.