Recycling and packaging

Sir, – It would seem that a lot of time and money is being spent on educating us about what can and cannot go into our recycling bins. This is very useful information.

I believe that our recycling companies and local authorities could do with spending more time and money on ensuring that the waste that we do produce is minimised by the retailers and that the recycling companies are either forced or subsidised to invest in machinery that will allow recycling of more waste.

It seems incredible to me that some packaging is recyclable, but because it is not financially viable to buy the machinery to process it, we are resolved to putting it in landfill or burning it.

We are already paying for Repak, through the retailers, to recycle the waste they produce.


If the amount that was paid by retailers to Repak was sharply increased on non-recyclable packaging, we would soon see a reduction in this waste. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.