Students and climate change

Sir, – “Climate change action: when do we want it?”

Response: “During double maths!”

What’s wrong with going on strike on Saturday? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 2.

A chara, – Several years ago when I was 17 I skipped my summer exam in English to join a Stop Climate Chaos action day in Dublin. I got lost trying to find Kildare Street but I do remember talking to my TDs, including the man who now has responsibility for many aspects of climate protection, Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed.

School students across many countries are striking for the climate this Friday. I feel inspired by their courage and pride at their hope.

But most of all I feel angry that we have let them down and forced them to remind us that the most basic duty of any civilisation is to ensure the welfare of its children.

I know many adults think that the students should stay in school and learn. Yes, education is important. But sometimes, not everything is learned in a classroom. To be honest, this strike is the best education in citizenship that any student or teacher could ever ask for. – Is mise,



Co Cork.