Bangers forever

Sir, – In the 1970s, I suffered the ownership of a Morris Marina for two years, marked by multiple breakdowns and a constant aroma of noxious exhaust gases. I traded with a talented carpenter for his crafting of a bed valued at £30. Shortly afterwards he told me that he had repurposed the car as a chicken coop. – Yours, etc,


Tulla, Co Clare.

Sir, – Regarding the recent correspondence about old cars, I believe I can speak with some authority. I have an old Triumph TR which I bought for £250 in 1972. It was my sole means of transport for 30 years, and since I retired, it has grown older along with me.


I must say that there are remarkable parallels between its ageing process and mine. The car is noisy, grumpy, unreliable, hard to get going in the mornings, thirsty, expensive to maintain, and quite likely to let you down. And yet I can’t imagine me, or my family, having as much affection for a bicycle! – Yours, etc,


Glenageary, Co Dublin.