Delays at Dublin Airport

Sir, – Due to the lengthy delays being experienced by travellers in Dublin Airport, which are predicted to continue for some time, the advice from DAA is to arrive earlier at the airport and allow more time for queueing. Travellers have recently experienced security-related delays of up to three hours. Unfortunately, arriving earlier, as I did recently, is of no benefit. The check-in desks do not open until 2½ hours before the scheduled departure time. Queueing for check-in would leave little over two hours to get through security and get to a departure gate; not long enough if the DAA advice is to be believed. If, like me, you had completed all of the pre-clearance health checks and checked in online, this still did not ease the situation. The bag-drop facility is only available from the same 2½ hours prior to departure.

The DAA and the airlines need to talk to each other in order to come up with integrated solutions to this mess. Quite apart from the inconvenience and potential financial loss resulting from missed flights, the stress of inching forward in a security queue while the departure time rapidly approaches is bad for passengers’ health. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.

Sir, – Dublin Airport Authority’s disdain for passengers is well known. However, it has been brought into sharp relief in recent days with two-hour queues for security checking. It’s caused by the pandemic, we are told.

They just cannot get the staff, we hear.

Okay, so if this is the case, the same problem should be seen across all European airports.

Of course, this is not the case, so the only conclusion we can make is that it is another management failure at Dublin Airport.

A bit of competition would go a long way. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.